The Journey of Violet our Heart & Soul Dog


Some of you may know my dog-daughter Violet. A 95lb Bernedoodle who came into our family almost 2 years ago. She’s the love of our lives, and that’s why it’s so painful to imagine the suffering she felt from endless issues like UTI, ear infections, hot spots, flea infestation, lameness, digestive problems, diarrhea and more.

Violet is adored by many: she's one of those giant dogs who are a bit more like a person than a dog. Her open heart leads her to be very sensitive, which likely was a big contributor to the challenges she had during her first 3 years of her life. 

In her prior home, Violet went from being a happy-go-lucky puppy to being a ball of nerves, with many health problems. Violet had also become very scared of men and spent most of her time and with her huge body tucked into the corner behind their couch. Her family was at their wit’s end trying to manage the difficulty and do what was best for Violet.  

Serendipity brought Violet’s previous dog mom and me together, and they arrived in our home with a thick file containing medical records that chronicled Violet’s ongoing health challenges. It appeared that every 2 months or so, she was visiting the vet office for the many ailments. I could see from the bills how much all of this was costing them. And on top of this, it was very clear that Violet’s physical and mental health wasn’t doing well. 

I realized her family was following the advice they received during the vet visits to include taking prescribed medicines & kibble, and monthly pest-preventatives riddled in chemicals. Despite their efforts, this combination was NOT actually helping to rebuild Violet’s health. 

Upon arrival, I immediately applied natural health and lifestyle to every aspect of her care. I’m thrilled to share that aside from her initial exam with our favorite holistic veterinarian Dr. Katie Kangas, our sweet Violet hasn’t needed to go to the dog doctor again since! On the rare occasion when her sensitive skin has flared up, I’ve been able to take a few well-selected steps with food and supplements to get her back on track. 

What I have learned is when a dog’s body and mind are returned to a place of balance or homeostasis (also known as Sama, as in Sama Dog), their natural & innate healing machine can take over. With their inherent healing system back in check, their body can fight illness, digest normally, detox naturally, and fortify against invaders, like fleas and ticks, or bad bacteria. 

When in balance, your dog’s inherent healing system can also restore behaviors, like release past trauma, overcome separation anxiety, improve impulse control, and even find more comfort through the aging process.

How can YOU do this too? Help YOUR dog return to homeostasis or balance.

I empower you to become the best provider of care you can be for your dog, both physically and emotionally.

We’ve designed your perfect first step with our new online course Ayurveda for Dogs 101. Not only will you learn WHAT to do in response to a health or behavior challenge, but you will also learn what your dog essentially needs to keep healthy. 

I recognize these concepts might be new or foreign to you, but not for long, friends! We’ll take it from the top and build a lifetime of health and wellness for your dog together. 

Alrighty then — I invite you to enroll now and let’s get to it!!


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