Special Care & Health Tips for Senior Dogs


Older canine friends are such a wonderful gift to you and your family! Their wisdom and appreciation for life will amaze you, and they are sure to leave a mark on your heart for the rest of your life. Senior pets don't require the same levels of training and attention younger dogs do which, of course, can make things a lot easier for everyone. Many of them are already house trained, adapt quickly to your daily routine, and might even know a few tricks! As easy-going as their temperaments may be, there are still practical steps you can take to help them adjust to life in the senior dog club.

Minimize Processed Foods

Have you noticed how some dogs age more gracefully than others? It is true that health begins WITHIN our bodies, for dogs and humans. What we use to fuel our bodies throughout our lives has a huge impact on the way our body handles life’s stressors as we age. Minimizing the amount of lifeless, processed foods your dogs eat can pay off in a big way as they get older.

Fresh food is inherently more bioavailable, meaning they will digest and absorb their nutrients from their diet more easily when the food is living and fresh. This makes for better health overall which can make your dog one those graceful aging types.

Feeding fresh food also helps keep your dog at a healthy weight, which is an amazing health benefit on its own! A healthy weight means healthier joints, decreased inflammation, and better blood flow even into your dog’s later years.

Remember, a little fresh food is much better than none! So if you aren't already, start adding toppers to every meal, and give you dog a heath boost starting today.

Reduce Exposure to Toxins

It's impossible to stress enough how much toxins hiding in our living environment take a toll on our dog’s health and wellbeing. You'd be surprised to know how many ways you can reduce your dog's toxic exposure just by looking around your own home!

Two of our favorite practical tips are ditching pesticides in favor of natural flea and tick products, and swapping out toxic household cleaners for a more natural alternative.

Click here to read our blog on why and how you should consider reducing your dog’s exposure to toxic chemicals in your own home.

Set Them up For Success

There is no better time than when our dogs start to age to consider how we can make accommodations in our living space to keep them safe and comfortable. Keeping nice cushioned or orthopedic beds available for them, and incorporating steps or ramps to certain areas can make a world of difference to their level of comfort on a daily basis.

Steps and ramps help keep our dog's (especially shorter dogs) neck, spine, and back from compromising positions. Larger dogs will gain the same benefits from elevated food and water dishes as their mobility starts to decline.

Joints, Brain Health, and MORE

Joint health and cognition are imperative to a dog's wellbeing. One of the best ways to support an aging dog is to incorporate SUPPLEMENTS into their diet.

We always recommend adding a high-quality omega 3 fatty acid to ANY dog’s diet to support healthy brain function, but this especially true for seniors. Krill oil, cod liver oil, coconut oil, or even a very high-quality olive oil are easy additions to your pet’s bowl.

Bone broth is another amazing superfood that is full of collagen to support your dog’s joints. Bone broth can also improve digestion, help detox the liver, and dogs LOVE it!

Other additions like vitamin B12, antioxidants, and added amino acids can be extremely beneficial to seniors dogs.

Some of our favorite, vet recommended supplements for seniors include:

Senilife (http://www.senilife.com/)

Animal Essentials Senior Support (http://animalessentials.com/senior-support/)

Pet Wellbeing Old Friend Supplement (https://www.petwellbeing.com/products/old-friend-for-senior-dogs)

B-Complex Liquid Vitamins (http://animalessentials.com/b-complex-liquid-vitamins-for-dogs-cats-by-veterinarians-apawthecary/)

Zymox Ear Enzymes

To learn more about how to better support your dog through the aging process, you can watch our full Sama Saturday show with holistic vet Dr. Katie Kangas on the topic here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kzhTQjdpm4)!

Also, there is this wonderful guide on senior dog care by Jackie Shelton


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