Travel Made Easy for Dogs


It’s amazing how many facets of your life can be tied back to Ayurveda. Everything from the food we eat to the places we go can be associated with one of the three doshas (body/mind types), and then examined to find ways to better handle everything life throws our way.

A great example is travel, which is associated with Vata, the “airy” dosha type. While we travel, we are often driving or flying through the air, being whisked from place to place. This airy and fast movement influences the body and mind to become more light, dry, and ungrounded.

It’s a perfect time to share a few of my favorite easy ways of keeping our dogs balanced during times of travel.

Using a crate helps dogs to feel grounded and safe. It provides a flat, stable surface so they can feel steady. Even dogs who don’t use crates in the rest of their life will often find comfort snuggled up in one during long road trips. They can still see the surrounding environment, while feeling more in control through the unsteadiness.

Have on hand a few calming supplements like CBD and flower essences. These natural support tools can helps dogs find their sense of ease, regardless of how you choose to travel.

BlackWing Farms is a unique provider of flower-medicine supplements to help animals. They have several flower essence blends I use with my dogs, with two of my favorite being “Calm Spray” and “Confidence. They provide immediate and lasting support for grounding Vata (airy) energy, helping to promote a solid emotional foundation for our pup.

Use this link to learn more about the BlackWing Farm products and the discount code SAMADOG for 15% off at checkout.

Finally, since dogs are sensory animals, playing soft and calming music in the car can go a long way to giving them extra peace of mind during the uncertainty of traveling. Classical music has even been shown to calm dogs with anxiety. While you may have to skip on your favorite pop or heavy metal album, your dog will thank you for it.

Safe travels!


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