Doshas for Dogs: Pitta
Fire + Water “Personality” Type… Applied to Dogs
What does it mean if my dog’s dosha is “Pitta”?
Pitta Mind-Body Type is marked by being hot, sharp and moist. When Pitta is in balance, dogs are focused, attentive and purposeful. When out of balance, excess Pitta can create digestive disorders, rashes and other skin problems. Mental evidence of Pitta imbalance can show as aggression, intense behavior, jealousy or over-reactivity.
Dogs with a predominance of Pitta type usually have a more muscular or athletic build. They can require an above-average amount of exercise. Their purposeful demeanor and sharp mind are kept balanced by having “jobs.” They prefer cooler environments and their bodies run warm. Pittas have a fiery nature which manifests in both body and mind.
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Amanda explaining the qualities & characteristics of dogs with Pitta dosha & what you’ll enjoy from balanced Pitta.
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How can a Pitta dog achieve balance?
When Pitta dosha becomes imbalanced
Pitta imbalance can manifest in the BODY as digestive disorders, rashes and other skin problems and an excess of heat buildup.
Pitta imbalance can manifest in the MIND as aggression, jealousy, reactivity, hyperactivity or generally intense behavior.
BALANCING TIPS for Pitta :: Favor cooling environments and food
Make time for swimming, water sprinklers and cool baths. Designate a cool place for rest.
Meditate together daily or simply set aside some peaceful, still time for the two of you.
FOODS: Cooling meats and other foods are ideal like cucumbers and apples.
Ayurveda for Dogs — The Basics
Cooking Video — Pitta
Ayush Herbs — Neem
Sama Dog - Balancing Elixir Oil “Chill”
The Honest Kitchen Brand — Bone Broth (Ayurvedic): Beef & Tumeric
The Honest Kitchen Brand — Golden Milk
Treats & More:
Sama Dog — Ayurvedic Balancing Biscuits “Chill”
Sama Dog — Balancing Collar Charms