Reiki, Compassion, and Emotional Understanding with Kathleen Prasad

The book Healing Virtues by Kathleen Prasad shares that while we are naturally made of light and love, most of us have simply forgotten this essential fact and are overlooking our beautiful eternal nature. Kathleen shares that Reiki helps us to remember this side of ourselves, by awakening within us the blessing and ability to help any sentient being heal and, in turn,  remember THEIR essential nature.

Animal Reiki, as its core, is the spiritual practice of compassion for all beings. In a nutshell, “doing” Reiki” for animals is a form of meditation, with the intention of lovingly helping to heal their subtle energetic body as well as their physical body. Reiki teaches us that compassion is the ultimate healer by allowing us the means to listen to and be present with others.

While Reiki has become wildly popular in natural healing communities, I don’t think I could truly understand just how beneficial it can be for animals and their humans without knowing my dear friend and collaborator, Kathleen Prasad. Kathleen is the founder of Animal Reiki Source & Shelter Animal Reiki Association and is internationally known for her pioneering work. As a world-renowned teacher and author, she has also been recognized for her amazing work helping shelter animals through Reiki by providing healing, compassion, and love to support them through life’s toughest transitions.

Kathleen is also a guest teacher in our signature course, Total Wellbeing for Dogs. Throughout the years in this online course Kathleen has lovingly guided us to simply hold space for our dogs in meditation, exactly as they are in the present moment, in order to better love and heal them.

If this style of teaching resonates with you, visit to learn more!


Soothing the Senses with Susan Weis-Bohlen


Your Dog’s Spiritual Essence with Joan Ranquet