Healing Maya with Ayurveda


About four years ago, our beautiful dog Maya was slowly getting worse. She was only 3 years old and often struggled with weak health, but this was very serious. Maya was rescued from an extreme neglect situation which really impacted her physically and emotionally. We’d been doing what we did with other dogs – fed, vetted and cared for in the same ways I’d seen the dogs raised throughout my life. Those dogs seemed to be generally healthy and happy, so what was going on with Maya?!

The vets said she had severe Atopic Dermatitis (skin allergies) despite my constant efforts to find the right treatments to keep the bugs off her. Her belly was bald, her paws were chewed raw, she'd virtually stopped eating or sleeping, and her entire system was completely inflamed. She’d been put on Prednisone, had run several courses of antibiotics and received multiple injections. Although moments of reprieve came, nothing was lasting. Maya was just getting worse and worse... and she was utterly miserable.

Then it hit me. Ayurvedic techniques of healing are what I have healed myself with, time and time again, over the past 15 years. And it’s certainly worked wonders for countless people I’ve known. I might as well try to apply the same things to Maya! 

Within a week, Maya had noticeably turned a corner. Within a month, all the severe symptoms had been calmed and she was off the meds. Within two or three months, she was virtually symptom free on the outside and we could tell that she was building strength internally as well. I can honestly say that from that moment on, Maya has gotten stronger, healthier and happier.

Maya isn't only vibrantly happy and fluffy, her health has also revealed the gentlest, loving, thoughtful personality. This lovely presence was hidden beneath the constant discomfort of her body and mind. When those parts of her found peace, after years of having her in our family, “Maya” really got to be free. And she’s so much fun to be around <3

I was (and still am!) so profoundly inspired by the transformation in Maya, and in the many dogs who I’ve helped guide back to health since, that I knew the next step had to be getting this important information out to help more people and dogs. And I am!

Twice each year I offer a comprehensive 6-week online course to learn this complete mind/body lifestyle approach for our dogs called, Total Wellbeing for Dogs. Join in and learn how your dog’s body and mind can be healed and balanced by YOU! All you need is the understanding.

Special launch pricing for early sign-up. ALL THE DETAILS HERE!


Spiritual Dogster :: Esha’s Tale, Part 2


A Healthy Home for Pets: Hidden Toxins & Aromas