Opening Our Eyes to the Dog Meat Trade in Asia


After our time in Thailand, we made a visit to Beijing, China. The reason for our stop was to visit two dog rescues who specifically save dogs from the dog-meat trade. It's hard to believe, but this is still a thriving custom in Asia; culminating each year with a large festival called "Yulin" in the city of that name in China. Perhaps you too have become familiar with this festival over the past few years, as it's been brought out of the shadows and into the light by a few dev cruisaiders.

Now, I know this is a hard topic to talk about. Many of you won't even have made it to this second paragraph. And this is a long post. But if you consider yourself a dog-lover, please take a moment to become educated on a difficult topic you may not already know about. Our awareness is their only hope.

As horrible as it sounds that dogs and cats are being killed for their meat, it's not entirely the fight against using their meat that we are being called to support. It's no secret that the farm animals in America endure equally horrible lives and outcomes.

What is especially appalling about the dog-meat industry is a false belief that if the animal endures torture for two days prior to the killing, the adrenaline the animal feels prior to death will fill the meat and then provide extra 'invigoration' to those who eat it. I know - it's really too much! Let's not forget a North Korean olympic-winning gymnastic team claimed Bosintang soup (aka dog meat soup) as their winning formula.

We went to China to directly see, hear, learn, and support - in some small way - this efforts to rescue the victims and ultimately end this industry.

We spent the first day volunteering at a rescue lead by one of the 'crusaders' I mentioned earlier: Jeff Beri. Jeff is the founder of “No Dogs Left Behind”, and is responsible for stopping and ceasing dog-packed trucks bound for slaughterhouses. He and his activists first negotiate to win the dog's freedom, then shelter them at his impressive facilities in China, where they're rehabilitated, and many are then adopted out to people all around the world.

The second shelter we spent a day helping was a smaller and simpler rescue called “Second Chance Dogs China”. We got to know many of the dog-survivors as we bathed, trimmed, named, and photographed about 20+ canine friends. All of them were bred for and destined to be meat dogs Among many others, at least 15 purebred Golden Retrievers! It's all terrible and heart-wrenching.

Are you called to help?! YOU and I can make a big difference for these dogs.

One way: ADOPT one of them! They're gorgeous - inside and out! Moving dogs through their facilities is the only way these rescues can keep going. The adoption process is much easier than you would think, especially for Americans and Canadians. Not only will you receive an amazingly special friend, they will serve as an ambassa-dog to help spread the message and therefore expand support to end this trade all together.

There are many amazing rescues to adopt through and support; here are the three rescues we personally visited and can attest to:

Another way: Assistance in the form of a DONATION is needed, and utilized to the fullest. As they always say: any amount helps! It's true. You can link to the page of both rescues above, or send me a DM and I'll help connect you.

Thank you for caring, sharing and supporting these animals in desperate need of our help <3

~ Amanda Ree


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