Benny’s dog Blog :: Vata Dosha


Hi Benny Believers,

Yes, it’s that time again. An informative blog, from your favorite commentator on the doggy view of life.

You may recall my first blogs were on the subject of two of the three doshas (mind-body types) which are responsible for every function of both mind and body. As relevant to us as it is to you!

I can say that understanding the different doshas and how they show up in your friends has helped me get along with my dog-siblings way more! I now understand why Graham the Kapha (earthy principle) doesn’t mind when I stand on his head, he is pretty sturdy. Or when Maya my Vata (airy principle) sister goes bonkers when a buzzing fly enters our living room — you’d think it was a crow after her! And now I know that it’s my Pitta nature (fiery principle) that makes me so intense, so I just need to go let off some steam with my exercise every day… and I’m good!

Let’s understand these Vata types better so we can complete our dog dosha blog series (Check out the blogs on PITTA and KAPHA dosha here). I’ve done some research on the subject and discussed various items with my mom and my doggy pals. I feel ready to give you all some simple but useful information on those of us canines who have mostly Vata dosha.

LEARN YOUR DOG’S DOSHA HERE – Take our new, interactive quiz and learn balancing tips!

Vata is described as the “wind” principle and the primary characteristic is movement. Vata pups are usually quick, energetic and always moving around. They tend to be social and like to go here, there and everywhere with their human. Oh, and honestly… they talk a LOT! Sometimes it is difficult to get a bark in edgewise.

They tend to be of light build and often have long legs. But this airy nature can make my Vata friends a bunch of Nervous Nellys! My dog, relax already! They should get themselves on some of that stuff my mom is always giving us the essence of flowers (yes, we’re “that” family) and I gotta say, it actually works! But I dogress. Ha! Did you catch that? That wit right there? That’s my fabulous Pitta nature. Oh… here I go again.

When they get out of balance, the anxious Vatas will get easily upset stomachs that comes from all that worry (certainly a bonus for poop bag manufacturers). While the rest of us are enjoying our siesta, you can bet it will be one of the Vatas that cannot sleep and keeps us awake with their nibbling and repositioning.

But like all of the three doshas, when someone is in balance, their best self shines through! Your Vata doggie is likely energetic, inquisitive, up for new experiences and very friendly. They are also great at inventing games for all of us to enjoy!

So, I would advise you humans that a dog who is mostly Vata can be a wonderful addition to your family if you are aware that they will occasionally need reassurance that they are in a secure and loving relationship. They’re best matched with a calm person because two wind types are just that — too much wind!! Keep in mind that the best thing you can do for airy Vatas is give them consistent routine, warmth and moisture. Although sometimes they will resist this! That squirrely wind.

Alrighty, that wraps up the last of my blogs in this series on the three doshas. If you want to learn about the other doshas — either Pitta or Kapha — click on those links.  

I’m outta here. Back to relaxing in the shade to keep cool through this California summer. For some great tips to make sure you don’t have a hot-dog this season, check out my mom’s latest article.  

From our pack to yours,



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